- B.Sc.,( University of Colombo)
- M.Phil. (University of Peradeniya)
- Ph.D. (University Malaya)

Dr AK Chandana
BSc (Colombo), MPhil (Peradeniya), PhD (Malaysia)- Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Senior Lecturer Gr II
Coordinator- Basic Biochemistry
- Qualifications
- Research & Publications
Research & Publications
Published Research Papers
- Dissanayaka, S. and Chandana. A.K.(1988) An egg surface antigen of Setaria digitata(Filariae) shed on development to microfilariae. Transactions of the Royal Societyof Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Vol. 82, (4) 616-620.
- Ratnasoorya, W.D. and Chandana, A.K.(1996) Effect of a megadose of pyridoxine on sexual competance and fertility of male rats.Med.Sci.Res. 24: 157-158.
- Chandana A.K., Prabhu S.R., Norhanom A.W., Dushanthi Samarasinghe. Muthumala M. (1998)Detection of humanherpesvirus-6 in squamouscell carcinomas of buccal mucosa by DNA in-situ hybridization. 13th Annual Scientificmeeting, International Association forDental Research, South-east Asian Division, 90.
- D.Ablashi., L. Chatlynne., H. Cooper., M. Yadav., N. Wahab., A.K. Chandana., V. Churdboonchat.,M. Patnaik.,R. Masood,. M. Reitz., A. Manns., F. Jensen., P. Gill., C. Boshoff and J. Whitman.(1999) Seroprevalence ofHuman Herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) in the countries of southeast Asia comparedto the USA, the Caribbean, and Africa.B. J. Cancer. 81(5), 893-897.
Presentations/ Posters
- Chandana, A. K., Athauda, S.B.P., Sivakanesan, R. and Dissanayaka, S.(1986) Energy metabolism in adult Setaria digitata (Filarial parasite). Published in the proceedings of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. 43: 33-34.
- Chandana, A.K. and Dissanayka, S. (1986) Development of conditions for in-vitro maintenance of adult Setaria digitata. Published in the proceedings of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. 43: 34-35.
- Chandana, A.K., Ismail,M.M. and Dissanayaka, S. (1986) Surface antigens of Setaria digitata (Filariae)microfilariae -1. Published in the proceedings of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. 43:36.
- Chandana, A.K., Ismail, M.iVl, and Dissanayaka, S. (1986) Surface antigens of Setaria digitata (Filariae)microfilariae -2. Published in the proceedings ofSri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. 43:37-38.
- Chandana, A.K., Athauda, S.B.P., Sivakanesan, R. and Dissanayaka, S.(1986) Someaspects of in-vitro maintenance of Setaria digitata. Published in the proceedingsof Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.43: 38-39.
- Chandana, A.K., Athauda, S.B.P., Sivakanesan, R. And Dissanayake, S. (1986) Lactatedehydrogenase (EC adult Setaria digitata. Published in the proceedingsof Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.43:39-40.
- Weerasooriya, M.V., Chandana, A.K., Weerasoorya, T.R., Mendis, D.H. and Samarawikrama,W.A. (1992) Epidemiologyof bancroftian fllariasis in three villages in Matara: Somepreliminary results. Published in the proceedingsof International Medical Congress-Peradeniya 1992. 127-130.
- Weerasoorya, M.V., Chandana, A.K., Weerasooiya, T.R., Mendis,D.H. and Samarawikrama,W.A. (1992) Bancroftian fllariasis in Matara 1. Preliminary report on baselineepidemiological studies. Published in the proceedings of Galle Clinical Society.88-90.
- Chandana, A.K., Weerasoorya, M.V. and Samarawickrama, W.A. (1992) Bancroftian ftlariasis in Matara 2. Preliminary report on periodicity studies. Published in the proceedings of Galle Clinical Society. 90-92.
- Chandana, A.K. and Dissanayaka, S.(1992) Cross reactive microfilarial surface antigens ofSetaria digitata,Dirofllaria repens and Wuchereria bancrofti. Published in the proceedingsof Galle Clinical Society. 94-95.
- B.Weerasoorya, M.V., Dayarathna,D.A.R.K., Chandana, A.K.,Weerasoorya, T.R.,Mendis, D.H., Kimura,E. and Samarawickrama, W.A.(1992) Microfilariae prevalance and clinicalmanifestations of for the bancroftianfllariasis in three villages in Matara. Published in the proceedings of Sri Lanka association Advancement of Science.126-128.
- Weerasoorya, M.V., Dayarathna, D.A.R.K., Weerasoorya, T.R., Chandana, A.K. and Samarawickrama,W.A. (1993) Efficacyof annual single dose treatment with diethylcarbamazine citrate againstnocturnally periodic Wuchereria bancroftiin matara. Published in the proceedings of Sri LankaAssociation for the Advancement of Science. 129-130.
- Chandana, A.K. and Harmin, S.A.(1995) Investigations on Estradiol-17b inducible protein(s)in male catfish,Mystus nemurus by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE). Published in the proceedingsof Malaysian Society for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. 34-35.
- Chandana A.K., Prabhu S.R., Norhanom A.W., Dushanthi Samarasinghe and Muthumala M. (1998)Prevalence of humanherpesvirus-6 in tongue squamous cell carcinomas by DNA in-situ hybridization.Asia-Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry, 169.
- Chandana A.K., Norhanom A.W., Dushanthi Samarasinghe. Yadav. M. (2001) Human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6)in squamous cellcarcinomas of vocal cord and oesophagus. RMK7, IRPA Research Seminar Proceedings,University of Malaya. Vol. 1, 260-264.
- Chandana A.K., Norhanom A.W., Muthumala M., Yadav, M. (2001) Booster polymerase chain reaction indetection of variants of human herpesvirus-6 in oral squamous cell carcinomas. 15th Annual Scientificmeeting, International Association forDental Research, South-east Asian Division, P-22.
- A.S. Tarmidi., T.I. Rosli and A.K.Chandana.(2003) Buffering capacity of saliva in relation tocaries experience inhuman adult. 3rd Annual Scientific meeting, International Association forDental Research, Malaysian Section.
Authorships In Books/ Chapters
Chandana, A.K., Samarasinghe, S.I. and Gunaherath, G.M.K.B. Organic Chemistry Part-1,
Aromatic and Heterocyclic Chemistry.
(Fernando, J.N.O. and Munasiri, B. eds) The Open University Press, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1989.
- Awards
- Post graduate research fellowship under 5th Malaysian Plan, University Malaya, Malaysia.
- Post doctoral research fellowship, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, Malaysia.
- Working Experience
Working Experience
- 1985-1988: Research Assistant, Dept. of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- 1988-1989: Demonstrator in Chemistry, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.
- 1989-1990: Demonstrator in Chemistry, Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka.
- 1990-1993: Assistant Lecturer in Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- 1993-1994: Assistant Lecturer in Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- 1994-1995: Assistant Lecturer in Zoology, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- 1995-1997: Research Assistant, Faculty of Marine Science, University Pertanian Malaysia, Malaysia.
- 1997-2001: Post graduate student, University of Malaya. Malaysia.
- 2001-2003: Lecturer, department of Clinical oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- 2003-2004: Research Fellow, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, Malaysia.
- 2005-2009: Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry, Royal College of Medicine Perak, University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- 2010-2013: Senior consultant, Sasanda Pharmaceutical Industries Private Limited.
Previous Academic / Administrative Positions
- Course co-ordinator, organic chemistry B.Sc. foundation course, Open University of Sri Lanka.
- Coordinator, Hematology, Immunology, Genetics and Oncology (HIGO) module, Royal College of
medicine Perak, University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Memberships
Memberships In Committees Related To University Education
- Member - curriculum development committee, formulation of the course content - biochemistry for 3rd year B.Sc. course,
Open University of Sri Lanka.
Memberships In Academic & Professional Bodies
- Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science (1986 to date)
- SLAAS Committee member - Popularization of Science (1988-1990)
- March for Conservation, Sri Lanka
- Malaysian Society for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
- International association for dental research (IADR-SEA))
- Member - curriculum development committee, formulation of the course content - biochemistry for 3rd year B.Sc. course,
- Contribution
Contribution To Undergraduate/ Postgraduate Education
- Teaching Biochemistry and Oral Biology and Biochemistry for BDS undergraduates, Faculty of Dentistry,
University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia. - Teaching molecular biology of oral carcinoma for the post graduate students, Faculty of Dentistry,
University of Malaya. - Teaching Biochemistry and basic molecular oncology for MBBS students at Royal College of medicine Perak,
University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Contribution Towards National Development
- Detection of Human Herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) variants among oral cancer patients of Sri Lanka.
- Teaching Biochemistry and Oral Biology and Biochemistry for BDS undergraduates, Faculty of Dentistry,
- Other
Editorial Work
Sultanbawa, M.U.S. and Sirimanne, V.D.P. Natural product chemistry part-1, Amino Acids and Nucleic Acids
(Fernando, J.N.O., Kularathne, K.W.S. and Chandana, A.K., eds.) The Open University Press, Colombo,
Sri Lanka. 78pp, 1989