- BVSc (Hons), University of Peradeniya (2010)
- PhD, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (2016)
- Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education, University of Colombo (2018)

Dr. AWMKK Bandara
BVSc (Hons) (Peradeniya), PhD in Microbiology (USJ)
Senior Lecturer Gr II
- Qualifications
- Research & Publications
Research & Publications
Published research papers in journals
- KABS Kariyapperuma, MDSD Gunathilaka, HMKD Herath, AWMKK Bandara, WJABN Jayasuriya (2022) Formulation of a herbal tea bag with potential in vitro thrombolytic activity using Adhatoda vasica Linn (Pawatta), Vitex negundo Linn (Nika) and Caesalpinia bonduc Linn (Kumburu). Journal of Health Sciences and Innovative Research; 3(2): 14-24
- AMAU Abeykoon, GMCP De Silva, KTSS Karunathilake, RGWDB Rajapaksha, ARN Silva, AWMKK Bandara, RN Pathirana (2021) Evaluation of In vitro Anti-inflammatory and Antibacterial Activities of Leaves, Roots and Combination of Leaves and Roots Extracts of Plant Magnolia figo" Sri Lanka Journal of Indigenous Medicine 06 (02) 483- 494
- Thilini Nisansala, Kanchana Bandara, Manjula Weerasekera, Chinthika Gunasekara, Chamil Marasinghe, Chandika D Gamage, Neluka Fernando, Nilantha Ranasinghe (2019) Manifestations and outcomes of leptospirosis during local outbreaks in high endemic districts of Sri Lanka: A retrospective multi-center study Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine. 12 (10) 442
- Kanchana Bandara, Chinthika Gunasekara, Manjula Weerasekera, Chamil Marasinghe, Nilantha Ranasinghe & Neluka Fernando (2018) Do the Th17 Cells Play a Role in the Pathogenesis of Leptospirosis' Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology, Volume 2018, Article ID 9704532, 5 pages
- Bandara, K., Weerasekera, M. M., Gunasekara, C., Ranasinghe, N., Marasinghe, C., & Fernando, N. (2016). Utility of modified Faine's criteria in diagnosis of leptospirosis. BMC Infectious Diseases, 16(446), 1-7.
- Bandara, K., Gunasekara, C., Weerasekera, M., Ranasinghe, N., Hapugoda, M., Marasinghe, C., & Fernando, N. (2016). Comparison of three rapid diagnostic assays for diagnosis of leptospirosis in a resource poor setting. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 5(7), 1771-1780.
- Bandara KK, Weerasekera M, Gunasekara CP, Ranasinghe N, Marasinghe C, Fernando N 2015. Molecular characterisation and disease severity of leptospirosis in Sri Lanka. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 110(4): 485-491
Research presentation Oral/ Posters
- SGC Sanchethana, HMUAK Herath, RMRA Shantha, MNF Hasaana, DDM Jayasuriya , AWMKK Bandara and DUP Sedara. In-vitro Antibacterial Activity of Punica granatum Bark used as Ayurvedic Medicine in Sri Lanka. 16th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University ,7-8th September 2023- Oral Presentation
- MR Jayawardhana, KKCC Pabasara, BLC Samanmali, and AWMKK Bandara Formulation, Characterization, and Evaluation of the Antibacterial Activity of a Polyherbal Hand Sanitizer Gel, 16th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University ,7-8th September 2023- Oral Presentation
- Sathsarani, P.L.A.A., Kavindya, L.G.G., Abhayarathna, S.M.P.N.A.B., Sandharenu, K.L.K.T.D., Bandara AWMKK & Fernando (2023). An exploration of coping strategies during the period of examination among the final year undergraduate students in Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University; A Qualitative study, 16th International Research Conference, KDU, PP. (Oral presentation)
- Sathsarani, P.L.A.A., Kavindya, L.G.S., Abhayarathne, S.M.P.N.A.B., Sandharenu, K.L.K.T.D., Bandara, A.W.M.K.K., & NFJ Fernando, (2023). An exploration of coping strategies during the period of examination among the final year undergraduate students in Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka; A Qualitative study, International Nurses' Day (IND) international conference, Keele University, UK (Oral presentation)
- K.F. Nusla, W.A.N.L. Wickrama Arachchi, K.L.S.H.Perera, H.C.K. Mendis, K.P.H.D. Wickramashinghe, A.W.M.K.K. Bandara and Y.P. Nandapala. Knowledge, practices and attitudes in reusing household plastic containers among undergraduates PGIS Research Congress 2022 held on 28th - 30th October 2022
- KABS Kariyapperuma, MDSD Gunathilaka, HMKD Herath, AWMKK Bandara, WJABN Jayasuriya. Formulation and evaluation of invitro thrombolytic effect of herbal bag. 15th International Research Conference Kotelawala Defence University, 13-14th September 2022
- RMHKK Rajapaksha, EMN Fernando, IN Suriyaarachchi, NRM Nelumdeniya, W Rajapaksha, AWMKK Bandara, ARN Silva. Evaluation of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity of Horsfieldia iryghedhi (Ruk) of Sri Lanka. 15th International Research Conference Kotelawala Defence University, 13-14th September 2022
- AMAU Abeykoon, GMCP De Silva, KTSS Karunathilake, ARN Silva, AWMKK Bandara, RN Pathirana. Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory and Antibacterial Activities of the Extracts of Leaves, Roots and Combination of Leaves and Roots of Plant Magnolia figo. 13th International Research Conference Kotelawala Defence University, 15-16th October 2020
- Nisanasala GGT, Bandara AWMK, Weerasekera MM, Gunasekara TDCP, Gamage CD, Gamage CD, Marasinghe MGCP, Fernando SSN, Ranasinghe KNP. Endemic leptospirosis in Sri Lanka; Values of clinical presentation, laboratory data and suspected case definition for early diagnosis. 11th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health , Liverpool, UK from 16-20th September 2019
- SC Isurika,WMTA Wanninayake, ARN Silva, AWMKK Bandara, WD Ratnasooriya (2019) Evaluation of in vitro Antibacterial Activity of Aqueous Extracts and Alcoholic Extracts of Celtis timorensis Span leaves. 12th International Research Conference Kotelawala Defence University, 11-12th September 2019
- Bandara AWMKK, Weerasekera MM, Fernando SSN, Ranasinghe KNP, Marasinghe MGCP, Gunasekara TDCP (2018) Cytokine Response in Leptospirosis Suggests A Role for Th17 Involvement. 7th Federation of Immunological Societies of Asia-Oceania Congress (FIMSA2018), Bangkok, Thailand, 10-13th November 2018
- Nisanasala GGT, Bandara AWMK, Weerasekera MM, Ranasinghe KNP, Gamage CD, Marasinghe MGCP, Fernando SSN, Gunasekara TDCP Age as a determining factor for development of severe leptospirosis. Ceylon College of Physicians 51st Annual academic sessionsheld at Galadari Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka 12-15th September 2018
- Bandara AWMKK, Weerasekera MM, Gunasekara TDCP, Hapugoda MD, Ranasinghe KNP, Marasinghe MGCP, Fernando SSN (2017) Modified Faine's Criteria; An Useful Diagnostic Tool in Resource Poor Settings. 10th International Leptospirosis Society Conference held at Conference & Function Centre, Palmerston North. New Zealand from 27th November -5th December 2017
- MGCP Marasinghe, AWMKK Bandara, MM Weerasekera, TDCP Gunasekara, N. Ranasinghe, M D Hapugoda, SSN Fernando (2017) Predictors of disease severity of leptosposis on admission - A Sri Lankan Study. 10th International Leptospirosis Society Conference held at Conference & Function Centre, Palmerston North. New Zealand from 27th November -5 th December 2017
- Gamage GGTN, Bandara AWMK, Marasinghe MGCP, Weerasekera MM, Fernando SSN1, Gunasekara TDCP. Optimization of a real time PCR for quantification of Leptospira bacterial loads in patients using SYBR green based real time PCR. Scientific sessions 2017, FMS, USJP 26th May 2017
- Bandara, K. K., Weerasekera, M., Gunasekara, TDCP, Ranasinghe, N., Marasinghe, C., & Fernando, N. (2016) Serum cytokines: A potential biomarker in leptospirosis 49thAnnual Academic Sessions of the Ceylon College of Physicians to be held at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka from 22-24th of September, 2016
- Bandara AWMKK., Weerasekera MM, Gunasekera TDCP, Ranasinghe KNP, Marasinghe MGCP, Dikmadugoda N, Jayalath MPK, Gunapala A,Fernando SSN 2015. Molecular Epidemiology of leptospirosis in Western and Southern Province in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Annual Scientific Sessions of Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura 2015 p. 196.
- Bandara AWMKK, Weerasekera MM, Gunasekara TDCP, Ranasinghe KNP, Marasinghe MGCP, Perera GND, Gunapala A, Liyanarachchi T, Siwagnanam FG, Jayalath MPK, Dickmadugoda N, Hapugoda M, , Fernando SSN. "Leptospirosis in Sri Lanka: Clinical diagnosis or laboratory diagnosis" poster presentation at the 47th Annual Academic Session of the Ceylon College of Physicians. 05 - 08th October, 2014.
- Kanchana Bandara, Chinthika Gunasekara, Manjula Weerasekara, Nilantha Ranasinghe, Menaka Hapugoda, Chamil Marasinghe, Nilanka Perera, Anura Gunapala, Nandana Dickmadugoda, Priyantha Jayalath, F.G. Siwagnanam, Neluka Fernando. Evaluation of Three Commercial Rapid Immunochromatographic Kits for the Presumptive Identification of Leptospirosis in Sri Lanka. International Conference on Multidisciplinary 13 - 14th August 2014.
- Kanchana Bandara, Manjula Weerasekara, Chinthika Gunasekara, Nilantha Ranasinghe, Chamil Marasinghe, Nilanka Perera, Anura Gunapala, Tharanga Liyanarachchi, Priyantha Jayalath, Neluka Fernando. Leptospirosis: Clinical profile and outcome in critical care settings in Sri Lanka. Annual Scientific Sessions of the Faculty of critical care. 21st June 2014.
- Bandara W.M.K.K., Marasinghe M.G.C.P., Weerasekera M.M., Gunasekara T.D.C.P., Fernando S.S.N., Ranasinghe K.N.P., Jayalath M.P.K., Dickmadugoda N., Wickramasinghe H., Hapugoda M., Gunapala A., Siwagnanam F.G. and Pavithra M.A.T. Expediency of Clinical and Basic Laboratory Data to Early Diagnosis of Leptospirosis: A Descriptive Preliminary Study. Annual Conference and Scientific Sessions of Sri Lankan Society for Microbiology. 25th October 2013. p16.
- Bandara A.W.M.K.K., Marasinghe M.G.C.P., Weerasekera M.M., Gunasekara T.D.C.P., Fernando S.S.N., Ranasinghe K.N.P., Jayalath M.P.K., Dickmadugoda N., Wickramasinghe H., Hapugoda M., Gunapala A., Siwagnanam F.G. and Pavithra M.A.T. Diagnosis of Leptospirosis: A Preliminary Study. 46th Annual Academic Sessions. Ceylon College of Physicians, 13th September 2013. p62.
- Bandara, A.W.M.K.K., Jagoda, S. S. S. De S., Dissanayake, D. R. A., Wijewardana, T. G. and Bandara, T. P. M. S. D. A Retrospective Analysis of Antimicrobial Resistance among Bacteria Isolated in a Veterinary Microbiology Laboratory. Annual Scientific sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association. 7th April 2011. p
- Bandara, A. W. M. K. K., Jagoda, S. S. S. De S., Arulkanthan, A., Gunawardena, G. S. P. De S., Dissanayake, I. P. G. H. U. and Jayaweera, W. R. Cutaneous Fibroma in Two Koi Carps (Cyprinus carpio) Annual Scientific sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association. 7th April 2011. p45.
- Education Contribution
Education Contribution
- General Microbiology for BSc Physiotherapy, Medical Laboratory Sciences and B. pharm Programme
- Microbiology and Parasitology I
- Microbiology and Parasitology II
- General Microbiology and Parasitology for Diploma in Nursing programme for Sri Lanka Navy
- Previous academic and administrative positions
Previous academic and administrative positions
- Temporary Lecturer at Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of Peradeniya
- Demonstrator at Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura
- Visiting lecturer in Fish Health management at Department of Biological Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
- Module Coordinator - Microbiology, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
- Coordinator -Mentoring programme, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
- Workshops
- 07th Federation of Immunological Societies of Asia-Oceania (FIMSA) Congress held on 10-13th November 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand
- Symposium on Emerging Infectious Diseases organized by Centre for Dengue Research, University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Victoria Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Melbourne, Australia on 20th - 21stSeptember 2018.
- Leptospira genomics workshop held at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand on 3rd to 5th December 2017.
- Systematic Reviews for Medical professionals organized by Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University on 01st August 2017.
- Pre - congress Seminar in International Research Conference on “Challenges in Elimination of Vector Borne Diseases in Sri Lanka” in organized by Faculty of Medicine, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University on 31st July 2017.
- SLAYS Open Forum 2017 “Research for Impact: March of the Sri Lankan Young Scientists ”organized by SLAYS, NSF in collaboration with COSTI, Ministry of Science Technology and Science on 28th February and 1st of March 2017
- “Fostering Resilience and working with stress: A counselling workshop for professionals” organized by Department of Social Sciences, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University on 10th and 11th March 2015.
- “Preliminary Steps in Planning a Research” at Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura in December 2013.
- Certificate course in Molecular Biological Techniques held at Institute of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology University of Colombo.
- One day research training programme on “Health Research for All” conducted by LANKAPHEIN held at Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo in August 2012.
- Two day workshop on “Leptospirosis” conducted by Dr. Rudy Hartskeerl, Head, Leptospirosis Reference Laboratory, KIT, Netherlands held at Molecular Medicine Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya in April 2011.
- Two day workshop on “Writing a Research Proposal” for Masters and PhD Research Candidates organized by Post Graduate Institute of Management in October 2010.
- 4th short cause on "Health and Anaesthesia in Captive Elephants- organized by Board of Study in Zoological Sciences of the Post Graduate Institute of Science and Sponsored by the Australian Sri Lankan Elephant Research and Conservation Project of the Vienna Zoo in July 2009.
- Workshops on “Clinical Pathology Aids in the Diagnosis of Anaemia in Dogs”, “Fundamentals of Oncological Surgery: A Pathologist View” and "Basic Ophthalmic Examination Diagnostic Techniques- organized by Society of Companion Animal Practitioners of Sri Lanka in December 2009.
- Memberships
- Sri Lankan Society for Microbiology (SSM)
- Sri Lanka Veterinary Association (SLVA)
- Sri Lanka Veterinary Council (SLVC)
- Other
Contribution to undergraduate / postgraduate education
General Microbiology for BSc Physiotherapy, Medical Laboratory Sciences and B. pharm Programme
Microbiology and Parasitology I
Microbiology and Parasitology II
General Microbiology and Parasitology for Diploma in Nursing programme for Sri Lanka Navy
- Awards & Grants
Awards & Grants
- Australasian Society for Immunology (ASI) Sponsored Travel Bursaries to attend 07th Federation of Immunological Societies of Asia-Oceania (FIMSA) Congress held on 10-13th November 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand
- National Research Council Merit award for scientific research published in 2016.
- National Research Council Merit award for scientific research published in 2015.