- PhD in Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Cape Town, South Africa, July 2017.
- MSc in Medical Physics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, January 2009.
- BSc Hons in Physics, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, March 2005.
- Certificate Course on Navigating Research Writing, Centre for Higher Education Development Continuing Education, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 4-7 November, 2014.
- Short course on High Performance Computing, 2014 HPC Winter School, Cape Town, 30 June – 5 July, 2014.
- CTHE – General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University
- Certificate Course on Medical Digital Image Processing

Dr. R Vijitha
PhD in Physics (Cape Town), MSc in Medical Physics (Peradeniya), BSc Hons in Physics (Jaffna) Former HOD (2019-2021) Programme Coordinator- BSc Hons. In Radiotherapy
Senior Lecturer Gr II
- Qualifications
- Research & Publications
Research & Publications
Published research papers in journals
- Assessment of occupational eye lens dose in interventional cardiology suites in Sri Lanka, Wickramasinghe SU, Ramanathan V, Sarasanandarajah S. Physica Medica. 2024 Nov 1;127:104826.
- An approach to assess real workload of medical linear accelerators in Sri Lanka, Ramanathan V, Jayaweera DK, Athukorala AD, Anas NJ, Aravinthan K, Ramalingam A. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2024 Nov;200(19):1874-8.
- Assessment of dosimetric approaches in evaluating radiation exposure for interventional cardiologists in Sri Lanka, Wickramasinghe SU, Ramanathan V, Sarasanandarajah S. Radiological Physics and Technology. 2024 Mar;17(1):258-68.
- Occupational dose measurement in interventional cardiology practice, Wickramasinghe SU, Ramanathan V, Sarasanandarajah S, De Zoyza M, Paranamana R. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2024 May;200(7):629-39.
- Brachytherapy in Cervical Cancer: Accuracy in Point Dose Demarcation, Ramanathan V, Gulawita MS, Kumari MP, Malaviarachchi S. . International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science. 2024;9(5):284-93.
- Assessment of Setup-errors in 3D-Conformal Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer Patients Using an Electronic Portal Imaging Device, Karunathilaka UIU, Ramanathan V. KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2024, 6(2).
- Establishment of institutional diagnostic reference level for coronary angiography procedures in Sri Lanka, Vijitha Ramanathan, Hasalanka S Senarathna, Hasun U Gunaratna, Praneeth M Bandara, Chathura J Horadigala, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2023;, ncad238, https://doi.org/10.1093/rpd/ncad238
- New γ-ray production cross sections for the 4.439 and 6.129 MeV lines of 12C and 16O. Astrophysical implications, S. Ouichaoui, Y. Rahma, J. Kiener, E.A. Lawrie, J.J. Lawrie, V. Tatischeff, A. Belhout, D. Moussa, W. Yahia-Cherif, H. Benhabiles-Mezhoud, T.D. Bucher, T.R.S. Dinoko, A. Chafa, J.L. Conradie, S. Damache, M. Debabi, I. Deloncle, J.L. Easton, M. Fouka, C. Hamadache, F. Hammache, P. Jones, B.V. Kheswa, N.A. Khumalo, T. Lamula, S. N. T. Majola, J. Ndayishimye, D. Negi, S. P. Noncolela, S. Ouziane, P. Papka, S. Peterson, M. Kumar Raju, V. Ramanathan, B. M. Rebeiro, N. de Séréville, J. F. Sharpey-Schafer, O. Shirinda, M. Wiedeking and S. Wyngaardt, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2586 012099 (2023), DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/2586/1/012099
- Shape analysis of the 4.44 MeV γ-ray line complex produced in inelastic proton scattering off 12C over the indent energy range of Ep = 30−200 MeV, Y. Rahma, S. Ouichaoui, J. Kiener, E. A. Lawrie, J. J. Lawrie, V. Tatischeff, A. Belhout, D. Moussa, W. Yahia-Cherif, H. Benhabiles-Mezhoud, T. D. Bucher, T. R. S. Dinoko, A. Chafa, J. L. Conradie, S. Damache, M. Debabi, I. Deloncle, J. L. Easton, M. Fouka, C. Hamadache, F. Hammache, P. Jones, B. V. Kheswa, N. A. Khumalo, T. Lamula, S. N. T. Majola, J. Ndayishimye, D. Negi, S. P. Noncolela, S. Ouziane, P. Papka, S. Peterson, M. Kumar Raju, V. Ramanathan, B. M. Rebeiro, N. de Séréville, J. F. Sharpey-Schafer, O. Shirinda, M. Wiedeking and S. Wyngaardt, , J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2586 012098 (2023). DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/2586/1/012098
- y-ray emission in proton-induced nuclear reactions on natC and Mylar targets over the incident energy range, Ep = 30-200 MeV. Astrophysical implications, Y. Rahma, S. Ouichaoui, J. Kiener, E.A. Lawrie, J.J. Lawrie, V. Tatischeff, A. Belhout, D. Moussa, W. Yahia-Cherif, H. Benhabiles-Mezhoud, T.D. Bucher, T.R.S. Dinoko, A. Chafa, J.L. Conradie, S. Damache, M. Debabi, I. Deloncle, J.L. Easton, M. Fouka, C. Hamadache, F. Hammache, P. Jones, B.V. Kheswa, N.A. Khumalo, T. Lamula, S.N.T. Majola, J. Ndayishimye, D. Negi, S.P. Noncolela, S. Ouziane, P. Papka, S. Peterson, M. Kumar Raju, V. Ramanathan, B.M. Rebeiro, N. de Séréville, J.F. Sharpey-Schafer, O. Shirinda, M. Wiedeking, S. Wyngaardt, Nuclear Physics A, Volume 1032, 2023, 122622, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2023.122622.
- Evaluation of scatter dose received by the thyroid region in patients with breast cancer receiving adjuvant chest wall irradiation using 2-D radiotherapy, V. Ramanathan, W.A.I.U. Kumara, L.P.M. Sawandi, W.M.A.K.B. Weerakoon, N. Jeyakumaran and R. Tudugala, , KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 5(1), 77-85 (2023).
- A study on workload of a linear accelerator at a high throughput caner treatment centre in Sri Lanka, V. Ramanathan, S.C.S.M Gamage and L.W.M.N Jayarathna. KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 5(2), 119-124 (2023).
- Evaluating occupational radiation exposure in international cardiology: An investigation into estimating effective dose, Sachini Udara Wickramasinghe, Vijitha Ramanathan and Sivananthan Sarasanandarajah. KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 5(2), 157-165 (2023).
- Current status and future prospects of radiation oncology in Sri Lanka, Vijitha Ramanathan, Jayantha Balawardane, Appu Hennedige Dilip Kumara and Sivananthan Sarasanandarajah, Physica Medica, Volume 100, 2022, 6-11, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejmp.2022.06.001.E
- Evaluation of set-up errors and set-up margin in three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for pelvic tumours by using electronic portal imaging device, V Ramanathan, K Gunarathne, DC Sampath and MM Rizwy, KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (KJMS), Volume 4, Issue 2 November 2022, DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/kjms.v4i2.53
- The current role of Cobalt-60 teletherapy in cancer care. V Ramanathan, KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (KJMS), Volume 3, Issue 2 November 2021, ISSN 2579-2229.
- Occupational dose measurement for radiographers during cardiac catheterization procedures; V Ramanathan, SM Almeida, KWDK Fernando (2021); International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) 11(4) (ISSN: 2250-3153), DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.11.04.2021.p11264
- Investigating the aberration found in 4.438 MeV 12C photo peak of the Geant4 simulated Prompt gamma spectrum, V Ramanathan, S Peterson, AOCMP -SEACOMP, IOP Conf.Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1248(2019) 012041
- Measuring cross-section data for prompt gammas emitted during proton-nucleus collisions
- Vijitha Ramanathan, PhD Thesis, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 2017. Available online at http://open.uct.ac.za
- Investigating prompt gamma emission for a carbon target using AFRODITE clover detectors
- V Ramanathan, S Peterson, K Li, P Papka, E Lawrie, K Lawrie, J Kiener, S Ouichaoui, W Yahia-Cherif, A Belhout, P Jones, D Moussa, B Hinda, S Damache, A Chafa, M Debabi, K Raju, T Dinoko and D Bucher, Proceedings of SAIP 2016, South Africa, ISBN: 978-0-620-77094-1, Available online at http://events.saip.org.za
Research presentation Oral/ Posters
- Eye Lens Dose Assessment for Interventional Cardiologists, Sachini Udara Wickramasinghe, Vijitha Ramanathan, Sivananthan Sarasanandarajah. TASME 2024. [Oral presentation]
- Classification of Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma using Computer Aided Semi-automatic Segmentation and Radiomics. Alwis HARV, Hettiarachchi RT, Ramanathan V, Wickramasinghe WMIS, Perera PAS, and Jayatissa RMGCSB, 17th International Research Conference, Kotelawala Defence University -2024 [Oral presentation]
- An Assessment of Occupational Radiation Exposure in Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at a Single Centre in Sri Lanka, Rathnayake PRGSMC, Dasanayake DMRS, Ramanathan V, Horadigala CJ, and Wickramasinghe WMIS. 17th International Research Conference, Kotelawala Defence University -2024 [Oral presentation]
- An Investigation of Patient Perceptions and Experiences of Thermoplastic Mask Use in Radiotherapy Treatment for Head and Neck Cancers. Diljashini S, Alwis MKCK, Ramanathan V, Balawardane KASJ, and Tudugala R. 17th International Research Conference, Kotelawala Defence University -2024 [Postal presentation]
- Establishment of an institutional diagnostic reference level for coronary angiography procedures in Sri Lanka, SGHS Senarathna, HMKU Gunarathna, HMPM Bandara, V Ramanathan, CJ Horadigala and R Tudugala, The 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Macao Radiological Technologists’ Association, 10th September 2023, Macao S.A.R, China. [Oral presentation]
- Assessing occupational radiation exposure for PET/CT technologists: A study of finger radiation dose at a selected hospital, SP Gamage, V Ramanathan and R. Tudugala, . 16th International Research Conference, Kotelawala Defence University -2023 [Oral presentation]
- Assessment of setup-errors in 3D-conformal radiotherapy for head and neck cancer patients using an electronic portal imaging device, UIU Karunathilaka and V Ramanathan, . 16th International Research Conference, Kotelawala Defence University -2023 [Oral presentation]
- Development of institutional reference level of radiation dose for cardiac catheterization procedures, MPII Sigera, MFA Ahamed, V Ramanathan and TD Athokorala, 16th International Research Conference, Kotelawala Defence University -2023 [Oral presentation]
- Establishment of institutional diagnostic reference levels for whole body positron emission tomography/computed tomography imaging procedures, AMLN Adikari, V Ramanathan and R Tudugala, 16th International Research Conference, Kotelawala Defence University -2023 [Poster presentation]
- A study on workload and use factor of medical linear accelerator at a high throughput cancer treatment center, NJ Zeron and V Ramanathan, . 1st Undergraduate Research Symposium, FAHS-KDU 2023 [Oral presentation]
- Optimization of patient radiation dose in gamma camera imaging for bone scan, MNAK Dilhani, V Ramanathan and R Tudugala, 1st Undergraduate Research Symposium, FAHS-KDU 2023. [Oral presentation]
- A study on workload and use factor of Elekta synergy linear accelerator at national cancer institute of Sri Lanka, DKMUL Jayaweeera and R Vijitha, 1st Undergraduate Research Symposium, FAHS-KDU 2023. [Oral presentation]
- Establishment of institutional reference level of radiation dose for radiotherapy computed tomography simulation procedures, ADAD Athugorala, R Vijitha and R Tudugala, 1st Undergraduate Research Symposium, FAHS-KDU 2023. [Oral presentation]
- Establishment of institutional diagnostic reference levels for hybrid imaging in nuclear medicine, RMCL Ranathunga, R Vijitha and R Tudugala, 1st Undergraduate Research Symposium, FAHS-KDU 2023. [Oral presentation]
- Assessment of eye lens dose in interventional cardiology, HNSU Wickramasinghe, V Ramanathan and S Sarasanandarajah, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University -15th International Research Conference, 29-30 September, 2022. [Oral presentation]
An approach to establish local diagnostic reference level (DRL) for coronary angiography procedures in Sri Lanka, SGHS Senarathna, HMKU Gunarathna, HMPM Bandara, V Ramanathan, CJ Horadigala and R Thudugala, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University -15th International Research Conference, 29-30 September, 2022. [Oral presentation] - Assessment of setup errors in intensity modulated radiotherapy for pelvic tumours using cone beam-computed tomography, KMAM Kulathunga, GKM Madhushan, KM Samarawickrama, V Ramanathan and DA Fernando, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University -15th International Research Conference, 29-30 September, 2022. [Oral presentation]
- Analysis of point doses to bladder and rectum in HDR brachytherapy to advanced cervical cancer at Apeksha Hospital Maharagama, IS Wickramage, VL Jayasinghe, WNACO Weerasinghe, V Ramanathan, S Rasnayake, WMIS Wickramasinghe, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University -15th International Research Conference, 29-30 September, 2022. [Poster presentation]
- The current status of radiotherapy facilities in developing countries, V Ramanathan, 21st Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP-2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 10-12 December 2021 [Oral Presentation].
- The way forward for Diagnostic Radiology Medical Physicists in Sri Lanka, V Ramanathan, WMIS Wickramasinghe 21st Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP-2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 10-12 December 2021 [Poster Presentation].
- Brachytherapy in cervical cancer: Accuracy in point dose demarcation
MS Gulawita, MPOT Kumari, SL Rasnayake, KMGS Jayasuriya and V Ramanathan
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University -14th International Research Conference, 9-10 September, 2021. [Oral presentation] - Determination of the scatter dose received by thyroid region during chest wall irradiation among breast cancer patients who received adjuvant two- dimensional conventional radiotherapy
WAIU Kumara, LPM Sawandi, WMAKB Weerakoon, V Ramanathan, N Jeyakumaran and R Tudugala, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University -14th International Research Conference, 9-10 September, 2021. [Oral presentation] - Evaluation of setup errors in three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) for pelvic sites by using electronic portal imaging device (EPID)
KACM Gunarathne, DC Sampath, MM Rizwy and V Ramanathan
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University -14th International Research Conference, 9-10 September, 2021. [Poster presentation] - Current status of Nuclear Medicine in Sri Lanka, V Ramanathan, International Conference on Molecular Imaging and Clinical PET-CT in the Era of Theranostics, IPET-2020, Vienna, Austria
- Measuring occupational radiation dose to the radiographers performing cardiac catheterization laboratory procedures at Sri Jayawardenepura general hospital, Sri Lanka, R Vijitha, S.M Almeida, K.W.D.K Fernando, International Conference on Radiation Safety: Improving Radiation Protection in Practice, RP 2020, IAEA, Vienna, Austria
- The current status of Medical Physics in Sri Lanka, Vijitha Ramanathan, Conference: 20th Asia-Oceania Congress on Medical Physics (AOCMP), 18th South-East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP), 120th Scientific Meeting of Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP), and 12th Annual Meeting of Thai Medical Physicist Society (TMPS), 3-5 December 2020, Phuket, Thailand
- Comparing measured and simulated prompt gamma cross-section data for carbon target using AFRODITE clover detector system, V Ramanathan, S Peterson, International Symposium on Standards, Applications and Quality Assurance in Medical Radiation Dosimetry (IDOS 2019), Vienna, Austria, from 18 to 21 June 2019 [Oral Presentation]
- Comparing Geant4 simulated and TALYS-1.8 code evaluated cross-section data for 4.438 MeV gamma ray line of 12C, V Ramanathan, 4th International Conference of Advances in Computing and Technology (ICACT 2019), Faculty of Computing and Technology, University of Kelaniya, from July 29 - 30 [Poster Presentation]
- Investigating the aberration found in 4.438 MeV 12C photo peak of the Geant4 simulated prompt gamma spectrum Vijitha Ramanathan and Steve Peterson
- 18th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics & 16th South-East Asia Congress of Medical Physics, 11-14 November, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Poster presentation)
- Investigating prompt gamma production using a Geant4 model of AFRODITE detector system
- Ramanathan Vijitha and Peterson Steve, International Conference on Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology and Imaging (ICMPROI), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 10-12 March, 2018 (Oral presentation)
- Comparing measured prompt gamma emission from the AFRODITE detector system to Geant4-simulated results
- V Ramanathan and S Peterson, American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), 59th Annual meeting & Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, USA, July 30 - August 3, 2017 (ePoster presentation).
- Measurement of gamma-ray production cross sections of proton beams at energies of 80-125 MeV with a natural calcium target
- A Kunyana, E Lawrie, S Damache, A Chafa, W Yahia-Cherif, M Debabi, I Deloncle, T S Dinoko, T D Bucher, M K Raju, V Ramanathan, B Robeiro, S Ntshangase, N Kheswa, J Lawrie, J Kiener, S Ouichaoui, A Belhout, P Johns, D Moussa and H Benhabiles, South African Institute of Physics 62nd Annual Conference, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, 3-7 July, 2017 (Oral presentation).
- Measuring prompt gamma cross-section data for carbon target using AFRODITE clover detectors
- V Ramanathan, S Peterson, K Li, P Papka, E Lawrie, K Lawrie, J Kiener, S Ouichaoui, W Yahia-Cherif, A Belhout, P Jones, D Moussa, B Hinda, S Damache, A Chafa, M Debabi, K Raju, T Dinoko and D Bucher, South African Institute of Physics 61nd Annual Conference, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 4-8 July, 2016 (Oral presentation).
- Measurements of gamma-ray production cross sections of proton beam at energies of 85-125 MeV with calcium target
- A Kunyana, E Lawrie, S Damache, A Chafa, M Debabi, W Yahia-Cherif, I Deloncle, T S Dinoko, T D Bucher, M K Raju, V Ramanathan, B Robeiro, S Ntshangase, J Lawrie, J Kiener, S Ouichaoui, A Belhout, P Johns, D Moussa and H Benhabiles, , South African Institute of Physics 61nd Annual Conference, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 4-8 July, 2016 (Oral presentation).
- Investigating prompt gamma cross-section data using a Geant4-simulated AFRODITE detector system
- V Ramanathan, K Li, S Peterson and P Papka, South African Institute of Physics 60th Annual Conference, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University and Rhodes University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 28 June-3 July, 2015 (Oral presentation).
Editorial works
- Editor – Abstract book of faculty of allied health sciences, International Research conference (IRC) 2023
- Editor – Abstract book of faculty of allied health sciences, International Research conference (IRC) 2022
- Editor – Abstract book of faculty of allied health sciences, International Research conference (IRC) 2021
- Editor – Abstract book of faculty of allied health sciences, International Research conference (IRC) 2020
- Editor – Abstract book of faculty of allied health sciences, International Research conference (IRC) 2018.
- The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Newsletter November/December 2020 Vol. 45 No. 6, Dosimetry of small fields in external beam therapy: Reference and relative dose determination, South Asia Centre for medical physics and cancer research (SCMPCR) workshop report.
- South Asia Centre for Medical Physics and Cancer Research (SCMPCR) Newsletter, July 2022, Volume 4, Issue 2. Radiation oncology facilities in Sri Lanka.
- South Asia Centre for Medical Physics and Cancer Research (SCMPCR) Newsletter, July 2020, Volume 2, Issue 2. Cancer care in Sri Lanka during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Resource person
- Participated as a resource person in the World Radiography Day-Scientific session on November 5, 2023 at Grand Oriented Hotel, Colombo 1. (Title: Radiotherapy Planning: Advanced techniques)
- Awards
- KDU research grant -2021
- Travel grant to participate International Symposium on Standards, Applications and Quality Assurance in Medical Radiation Dosimetry (IDOS 2019), July 18-21, Vienna, Austria
- ICTP travel grant to participate ICMPROI-2018 conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Science Faculty PhD Fellowship, University of Cape Town, 2014-2016.
- International Medical Health Organization (IMHO) Fellowship for Medical Physics training at Department of Radiation Oncology, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India, October 01, 2012 – November 30, 2012.
- Working Experience
Working Experience
- Visiting Lecturer, (MSc in Medical physics- Physics of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology)
(from November 2019 to present), Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya - Demonstrator (March, 2005- August, 2005, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna)
- Medical Physicist (2009-2013, Department of Radiotherapy, Base Hospital, Tellippalai, Jaffna)
- Radiation Protection Officer (2013, Department of Radiotherapy, Base Hospital, Tellippalai, Jaffna)
- Visiting Lecturer, Medical Physics (August 2013- December 2013, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna)
- Visiting Lecturer, Instrumental Analysis (December, 2013 – January, 2014, Unit of Allied Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna)
- Demonstrator, Tutor, and Course tutor (2014-2017, Department of Physics, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa)
- Visiting Lecturer, Biophysics (August, 2017- October, 2017, Department of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Science, Eastern University)
- Visiting Lecturer, Medical Physics & Nuclear Physics (August, 2017-September, 2017, Department of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Science, South Eastern University)
- Senior Lecturer on assignment basis (October, 2017, Department of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Science, South Eastern University)
- Visiting Lecturer, Advanced Nuclear Physics & Particle Physics (August, 2017-September, 2017, Department of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Science, South Eastern University), May 2018 to date.
- Faculty Coordinator and Session Coordinator, International Research Conference (IRC) 2018.
- Visiting Lecturer, (MSc in Medical physics- Physics of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology)
- Memberships
Membership in academic and professional bodies
- Member of professional relations committee (2022-2025) of International Organization of medical Physics (IOMP).
- Editorial board member of South Asia Centre for Medical Physics and Cancer Research (SCMPCR) Newsletter (2022).
- Life member of the Association of Medical Physicists of India (AMPI) from 18-01-2021, Membership No: LM-2692
- Member of Panel of Teachers/Examiners of the postgraduate Institute of Science (PGIS), University of Peradeniya (Effective from 4th of December 2020 – MSc Programme in Medical physics (2020/2021))
- Member of Panel of Teachers/Examiners of the postgraduate Institute of Science (PGIS), University of Peradeniya (Effective from 20th of October 2019– MSc Programme in Medical physics (2019/2020))
- Membership in South African Institute of Physics (SAIP)
- Membership in Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD)
- Resource Person
Resource Person
- Participated as a resource person in the World Radiography Day-Scientific session on November 5, 2023 at Grand Oriented Hotel, Colombo 1. (Title: Radiotherapy Planning: Advanced techniques)
- Invited talk – IUPESM WORLD CONGRESS on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, 12-17 June 2022, Singapore (Virtual)
Title was “Current status of medical physics education and training in Sri Lanka”. - A member of panel of the reviewers at the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Science, ICMAS 2021, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo
- A member of the panel of the reviewers at the 14th International Research Conference 2021, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University.
- Bangladesh Medical Physics Society (BMPS) Women celebrates IDMP 2020, Inspiring motivational speech for young generations, December 01, 2020
- World Radiography Day-Scientific session, Title: Modern trends in radiotherapy, Hotel Mandarina, Colombo-03, Sri Lanka, November 08, 2019.
- A member of the panel of the reviewers at the 13th International Research Conference 2020, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University.
- A member of the panel of the reviewers at the 12th International Research Conference 2018, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University.
- Curriculum revision of Biochemistry module of Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, 2018-2019.
- Invited talk – TASME (Technological Advances in Science, Medicine and Engineering) 2021, July 3-4, 2021, Canada (Virtual), Title is “Challenges of Radiation Therapy in Developing Countries”
- Advanced Applications in Imaging and Therapeutic MRI conducted by Department of Radiography & Radiotherapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, September 11, 2018
- Education Contribution
Education Contribution
Contribution to Undergraduate Education
Department of Radiography & Radiotherapy
- RA 1112 - General Physics
- RA 1212 - Radiation Physics
- RT 2143 - Radiotherapy Equipment
- RT 2252 - Treatment Planning Process I
- RT 3163 - Practice of Brachytherapy
- RT 3223 - Methods & Techniques of Radiotherapy II
- RT 4142 - Principles of Dosimetry & Application for Radiotherapy
Department of Engineering – Biomedical Engineering Degree Program
- BM 3233 – Medical Instrumentation II
Department of Medical Laboratory Science
- ML 1122 – Basic Physics & Electronics
Department of Physiotherapy
- PT 1243 - Electro-Physical Agents
- Biomechanics and Kinesiology
Supervising undergraduate research projects
Contribution to Postgraduate Education
- PH 532 - Physics of Diagnostic Radiology (MSc in Medical Physics, PGIS, University of Peradeniya)
Supervising MPhil and MSc projects