- Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) - KDU
- Master of Bioinformatics - UOC

Ms. AG Kasuni Neranja
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) – KDU, Master of Bioinformatics – UOC
Lecturer (Probationary)
- Qualifications
- Teaching Areas
Teaching Areas
- Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Pharmaceutics, Practice of Pharmacy, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical Laboratory
- Research Interests
Research Interests
- Computational drug discovery
- Natural products
- Biotechnology
- Pharmaceutical Formulation preparations
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Proteomics
- Awards
- Vice Chancellor's List for Academic Excellence with a Year Point Average (YGPA) in 2016.
- Dean's List for Academic Excellence with a Year Point Average (YGPA) in 2015 and 2017.
- Memberships
- Sri Lanka Medical Council registered Pharmacist (Reg. No. 10844)
- Lifetime member of United Nations Association in Sri Lanka
- Research & Publications
Research & Publications
Referred Journal articles
- Sandharenu, K.L.K.T.D. and Neranja, A.G.K. (2022) A Literature Review on Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Undergraduate Nursing Students in a Sri Lankan University Context. KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol 4, No 02, pp.86–102. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/kjms.v4i2.54
- Kankanamge, S.U., Neranja, A.G.K. and Sandarenu, K.D.S. Mini-review on Natural Disintegrants in Pharmaceutical Formulations. Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research, 2021, 14(2), pp.52-56.
- Fernando, W.T., Neranja A.G.K. and Kankanamge, S.U. (2022) A review on various plant-derived nanoemulgels and their applications. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews. Vol 15, No 03, pp 214–221. https://doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2022.15.3.0916
- Neranja, A.G.K. and Kankanamge, S.U. (2021), A mini-review on the different types of covid-19 vaccines in use, World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 12(01), pp 326–330.
https://doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2021.12.1.0523 - Kankanamge, S.U., Neranja, A.G.K. and Sandarenu, K.D.S. (2021), Mini-review on Natural Disintegrants in Pharmaceutical Formulations, Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research, pp.52-56.
https://www.journaljocamr.com/index.php/JOCAMR/article/view/30243 - Senanayake, S.P., Fernando, R.S.P., Maddumage, R.S., Perera, H.E.H., Neranja, A.G.K., Gallage, S.D. and Sandharenu, K.L.K.T.D. (2021), Bodycomposition, does it affect the physical performance of basketballplayers? A Pilot study conducted among General Sir JohnKotelawala Defence University (KDU) Basketball team. InternationalJournal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2021, 11(3),pp.379-383.
- Senanayake, S.P., Abhayasinghe, K., Fernando, R.S.P., Perera, H.E.H.,Maddumage, R.S., Neranja, A.G.K. and Sandharenu, K.L.K.T.D. (2021), Patients’ Experiences and Opinions on Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Use of It as a Tool of Palliative Care on Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). Open Journal of Respiratory Diseases, 11,pp.61-75.
- Senanayake, S.P., Sithija, R.S.P., Neranja, A.G.K., Perera, H.E.H., Maddumage, R.S., and Sandarenu, K.L.K.T.D. (2021), Perceived Improvements of Quality of Life (QoL) among Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) in Response to a 6-WeekRehabilitation Program. Open Journal of Respiratory Diseases, 11, pp.27-36.
- Thisera, W.M.D., Thilakarathne, R.M.P.S., Neranja, A.G.K., and Kumari, K.D.K.P. (2019), Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Activity of Different Solvent Extracts of Ipomoea littoralis (Blume): A Growing Medicinal Naturally Plant in Sri Lanka: an experimental study done at Research Laboratory at Faculty of Medicine, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka. South Asian Journal of Natural Products, 2(1), pp.1-9.
- Thisera, W.M.D., Neranja, A.G.K., Thilakarathne, R.M.P.S., and Kumari, K.D.K.P. (2018), Antimicrobial Activity of Crude Extracts of Oldenlandia auricularia against Some Selected Human Pathogens: an experimental study done at Research Laboratory at Faculty of Medicine, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka. South Asian Journal of Research in Microbiology, 2(4), pp.1-9.
- Neranja, A.G.K., Thilakarathne, R.M.P.S., Hasanthi, K.B., Kankanamge, S.U., and Kumari, K.D.K.P. (2019), Assessment of Anti-bacterial Efficacy of Different Parts of the Medicinal Plant Wattakaka Volubilis (L.F.) Stapf Grown in Sri Lanka: an experimental study done at Faculty of Medicine, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka. Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 6(1), pp.69-76.
Conference Papers
- Edirisinghe SS, Karunathilake NA, Neranja AGK, Nelumdeniya NRM , Mishal MFM. In-silico Identification of Phospholipase A2 Inhibitors from Traditional Medicinal Plants to Treat Hypnale hypnale envenomation- 17th International research conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University- Sri Lanka, 2024.
- Hettiarachchi HNN, Sandamini AMD, Neranja AGK, Senanayake SP. Exploring Factors Influencing Medication Adherence among ID 305 Hypertensive Patients in the Cardiology Clinic- University Hospital-KDU: A Qualitative Study - 17th International research conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University- Sri Lanka, 2024
- Mendis MST, Wijewardhana LKDN, Liyanage THD, Neranja AGK, Kumari KDKP. Synthesis of nanosuspensions of Carica papaya fruit extract and evaluation of the antioxidant activity – International research conference in health sciences, University of Sri Jayawardanapura- Sri Lanka, 2024.
- Wijewardhana LKDN, Mendis MST, Liyanage THD, Neranja AGK, Kumari KDKP. Formulation of Nanosuspensions of Psidium guajava fruit extract and evaluation of the antioxidant activity- 16th International research conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, 2023.
- Kottege KDHY, Wimarshani HMP, Neranja AGK, Kankanamge SU, Pathirana. Formulation and evaluation of a poyherbal hair dye cream of the aqueous and ethanolicethanolic plant extracts of Hibiscus rosasinensis, Coffea arabica, Syzygium aromaticum, and Cinnamomum zeylanicum–16th international research conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, 2023.
- Neranja AGK, Thilakarathne RMPS, Hasanthi KB, Kankanamge SU, Kumari KDKP. A Comparative study on in vitro antimicrobial potential ofdifferent parts of the medicinal plant Wattakaka volubilis (L.f.) Stapf –International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches, 2018
- Thilakarathne RMPS, Neranja AGK, Hasanthi KB, Kankanamge SU, Kumari KDKP. In vitro Antibacterial Activity of Aqueous and Methanolic Extractsof Wattakaka volubilis (L.f.) Stapf: A Sri Lankan Ethnomedical Plant –34th International Conference on Natural Products- Malaysia, 2018
- Mohomed A, Thilakarathne RMPS, Neranja AGK, Sandarenu KDS, Kumari KDKP. A Comparative study on Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatoryactivity of aqueous and acetone extracts of Plumeria obtusa andPlumeria rubra – 7th International Conference on MultidisciplinaryApproaches, 2020
- Other
- Coordinator of the research club of Faculty of Allied Health sciences, KDU