- Bsc (Hons) in Radiography Second Class Upper Division, FAHS, KDU

Ms Irushi Shehani De Fonseka
Bsc (Hons) in Radiography Second Class Upper Division, FAHS, KDU
Temporary Demonstrator
- Qualifications
- Publications
Referred Journal Articles
De Fonseka, I., Lawanya, D., Amarasinghe, D., Wijewickrama, I., Wishwanthi, D., Fernando, N., Senanayake, G., Pushpakumara, S., & Arachchi, W. E. (2024). Classification of patients with migraine and healthy subjects using gross brain volume changes. Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience, 12(3), 187–194. https://doi.org/10.1111/ncn3.12797
Conference Paper
- de Fonseka, I. S., Senanayake, G., Pushpakumara, K., & Arachchi, W. E. (n.d.). Detection of Gross Brain Volume Changes in Patients with Migraine Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
- Research Interests
Research Interests
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT), Mammography
- Involvement with other Organizations
Involvement with other Organizations
- Registered Radiographer (SLMC No: 1167)
- Member of Sri Lanka Society of Radiological Technologists (SRTSL)
- Awards & Grants
Awards & Grants
- Gold Medal for the best performance in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) awarded by KDU