The 2 nd meeting and workshop of the CAPAGE project took place at Escola Superior de Saúde Santa Maria in Porto, Portugal, from September 29th to October 5th, 2024. The primary objective of this meeting was to review and assess the current progress of WP2 and WP3, while also planning the next steps for WP4. The workshop focused on advancing knowledge in Healthy Aging and Geriatrics and introducing innovative teaching strategies to support evidence-based course development. Representatives from six beneficiary universities in Sri Lanka and four Health Education Institutions from the European Union participated in the workshop.

Representing General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, CAPAGE Project Manager – KDU: Mr. SADCS Senavirathna, Dr. HPM Dabare (Head, Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences), Dr. K Abhayasinghe (Head, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences), and Ms. ADP Perera attended this event.