Dr. Dinithi Vidanage

PhD (USJP), BSc (Hons) Nursing (USJP), CTHE – KDU, RN (SLNC)
Senior Lecturer Gr II
  • Qualifications
  • Qualifications

    Academic Qualifications

    • PhD- University of Sri Jayewardenepura
    • B.Sc. Nursing (Hons). Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayawardenapura.
    • CTHE - KDU
    • RN- SLNC

    Professional Qualifications

    • Staff nurse at Cardio-thoracic Operation Theatre - Lanka Hospitals, Narahenpita.(2011-2013)
  • Teaching Areas
  • Teaching Areas

    • Child Health Nursing
    • Nursing Skills Practice
    • Fundamentals of Nursing
  • Research & Publications
  • Research & Publications

    Referred Journal articles

    1. Vidanage, D., Wasalathanthri, S. and Hettiarachchi, P., 2023. Long-term aerobic and combined exercises enhance the satiety response and modulate the energy intake in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM): A randomized controlled trial. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 15(1), pp.1-16.
    2. Vidanage D., Prathapan S., Wasalathanthri S., Hettiarachchi P., (2020), Factors associated with sweet taste sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Journal of Ruhuna Clinical Society, Sri Lanka Online Journals, 2020;25(1), pp.25-29.DOI. 25(1), pp.25-29. http://doi.org/10.4038/jrcs.v25i1.85.
    3. Vidanage, D., Prathapan, S., Hettiarachchi, P., Wasalathanthri S. Impact of aerobic exercises on taste perception for sucrose in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus; A randomized controlled trial. BMC Endocrine Disorders, 22, 22 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12902-022-00936-5.
    4. Vidanage D., Wasalathanthri S., Hettiarachchi P. Long-term combined exercises enhance taste sensitivity for sucrose in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences. 13 (02) (2022), http://nepjol.info/index.php/AJMS

    Conference Papers

    1. Vidanage D., Hettiarachchi P., Wasalathanthri S., Comparison of sweet taste perception, appetite and food intake between people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) who performed regular aerobic and combined exercises; A randomized controlled trial, Proceedings of the 08th Biennial Conference of the South Asian Association of Physiologists (SAAP8), In conjunction with the 35th Anniversary of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka, 2022, 11th -13th November 2022, pp 117.
    2. Vidanage D., Hettiarachchi P., Wasalathanthri S., Long-term exercises increase the taste sensitivity for sucrose and reduce the carbohydrate intake and anthropometric parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Proceedings of the 3rd Edition of World Congress on Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, UK, 2022, 04th -05th October 2022, pp 39.
    3. Vidanage D., Hettiarachchi P., Wasalathanthri S., Impact of a 6-month combined exercises on hunger, satiety and food intake in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). A randomized controlled study. Proceedings of the Open University Research Sessions, 2021, 16-17th November 2021, pp 82.
    4. Vidanage D., Hettiarachchi P., Wasalathanthri S., Impact of a 6-month aerobic exercise regime on hunger, satiety and food intake in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Proceedings of the Open University Research Sessions, 2020, 12-13th November 2020, pp 74.
    5. Vidanage D., Hettiarachchi P., Prathapan S., Wasalathanthri S., Impact of a 6-month combined exercise regimen on taste perception for sucrose in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Proceedings of Sri Lanka Medical Association 133rd Anniversary International Medical Congress, Colombo, 24-26th July 2020, ISSN 0009-0875, p.97. Published in the Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume 64, Supplement 1, pp. 176.
    6. Vidanage, D., Hettiarachchi, P., Prathapan, S., Wasalathanthri, S., Impact of a 6- month aerobic exercise regimen on taste perception for sucrose in type 2 diabetes mellitus: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 26-27th November 2019, ISSN 2386-1509, pp. 41.
    7. Vidanage D., Hettiarachchi P., Wasalathanthri S., Impact of a 3 months combined exercise regimen on taste perception for sucrose in Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Proceedings of the Scientific Sessions, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna. 9th August 2019; pp. 67. (Award for the best oral presentation)
    8. Vidanage D., Wasalathanthri S., Hettiarachchi P., Impact of aerobic exercises on hunger, satiety and food intake in type 2 diabetes mellitus. 9th FAOPS Congress, Kobe, Japan, 28th -31st March 2019; Abstract published in the Journal of Physiological Sciences, Volume 1, Supplement 1, pp. S117. 
    9. Vidanage D., Hettiarachchi P., Prathapan S., Wasalathanthri S., Impact of short-term aerobic exercises on taste perception for sucrose in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Proceeding of the 3rd International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Kelaniya, 26th October 2018; pp. 10.
    10. Vidanage D., Wasalathanthri S., Hettiarachchi P., Prathapan S., Association between glycaemic control and taste perception for sucrose in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Proceeding of the Research Symposium 2018 Western Province, Colombo. 30th November 2018; pp. 9.
    11. Vidanage D., Wasalathanthri S., Hettiarachchi P., Impact off anthropometric measurments on taste perception for sucrose in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Proceedings of the 5th Ruhuna Science and Technology Conference. University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. 15th February 2018; pp 34.
    12. Vidanage D., Wasalathanthri S., Hettiarachchi P., Impact of gender and age on taste perception for sucrose in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Proceeding of the Annual 15th Open University Research Sessions Sri Lanka, 16-17th November 2017; pp. 261-265.

    Unpublished Thesis

    • The impact of Home-based exercises on taste perception for sucrose, hunger, satiety and food consumption in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  • Graduate Supervision
  • Graduate Supervision

    • Supervision of research projects of BSc Nursing undergraduates since 2016 to date.
  • Memberships
  • Memberships

    • Member of Graduate Nurses' Foundation, Sri Lanka - since 2013 to date
  • Other Responsibilities
  • Other Responsibilities

    Coordinator - Department of Nursing & Midwifery, FAHS (November 2021 to November 2022)

    Coordinator - Student-Teacher Exchange Program (Linnaeus Palme, Sweden) (January 2022 to June 2023)

    Member- Curriculum Revision Committee- FAHS

    Member - nEUROcare project funded by Erasmus+

    Member - Curriculum Development of Midwifery Nursing

  • Research Interests
  • Research Interests

    • Diabetes (Type 1 and 2)
    • Paediatric Nursing
    • Undergraduate Education
  • Awards & Grants
  • Awards & Grants

    • Best Oral Presentation Award (2019)-Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna
    • NSF Travel Grant - 2019
    • Young Scientist Travel Award, FAOPS Congress, Japan - 2019
    • Prof. Zef Ibrahim Award for the best paper in tropical paediatrics (Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians)- 2018
  • Involvement with other Organizations
  • Involvement with other Organizations

    • Member of Graduate Nurses' Foundation, Sri Lanka.