- MPhil in Physiology, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (2020)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Physiology, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo (2018)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education, MEDARC, University of Colombo (2017)
- Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education, Staff Development Centre, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (2017)
- BVSc (Hons), University of Peradeniya - First Class (2012)

Dr. Gihani Udeshika Jayaweera
BVSc (Hons) (Peradeniya), MPhil in Physiology (SJP), PG Dip Med Physiology, (PGIM, UoC), PG Cer Med Edu(PGIM, UoC)
Senior Lecturer Gr II
- Qualifications
- Research & Publications
Research & Publications
Research Full papers
- Gihani U. Jayaweera, Savithri W. Wimalasekera, Sampatha E. Goonewardena. “Respiratory symptoms and associated factors among women exposed to biomass fuel smoke in Sri Lanka: cross sectional study”. International Journal of Community
Medicine and Public Health, Vol 7(7), 2475-2482 DOI: 10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20202968
- GU Jayaweera, PTR Makuloluwa, TRK Perera, KRJK Amararathene, GAS Premakumara and WD Ratnasooriya. “'Oral Diuretic Activity of Water Extract of H-grade Quills of Cinnamomum ceylanicum Blume in Rats”. International Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol 10 (10), 114 -118
Research Presentation Oral/ Posters
- Gihani Jayaweera, Savithri Wimalasekera and Sampatha Goonewardena. “Indoor air pollution due to cooking fuel smoke in Sri Lanka and women's perspectives”. 11th International Primary Care Respiratory Group World Conference. 5-7 May 2022
https://www.ipcrg.org/13498 - Gihani Jayaweera, Savithri Wimalasekera and Sampatha Goonewardena. “Association between the duration of exposure to biomass fuel smoke with increased respiratory symptoms and impaired respiratory functions of women in Sri Lanka”. 11th International Primary Care Respiratory Group World Conference. 5-7 May 2022
https://www.ipcrg.org/13497 - Gihani Jayaweera, Savithri Wimalasekera, Sampatha Goonewardena. “Association between pulmonary functions and primary cooking fuel used by women primary cooks in rural areas in Colombo District, Sri Lanka; Descriptive cross-sectional study”. Respire -12 - 12th Annual Academic Sessions and Hybrid Conference of Sri Lankan College of Pulmonologists. 28-30 November 2021
- Gihani Jayaweera, Savithri Wimalasekera, CSE Goonewardena, “FENO and spirometry for the assessment of respiratory functions of women exposed to biomass fuel smoke: A cross sectional study in Sri Lanka”. European Respiratory Journal 2020; 56: Suppl. 64, 2167.
https://erj.ersjournals.com/content/56/suppl_64/2167 - Gihani Jayaweera, Savithri Wimalasekera , Sampatha Goonewardena. “Airway inflammation and oxidative stress in biomass fuel smoke exposed women as assessed by exhaled Carbon monoxide levels”. International Primary Care Respiratory Group Virtual Conference. 27 June 2020
Abstract: https://www.ipcrg.org/sites/ipcrg/files/content/attachments/2020-07-01/2020-06-27%20Gihani%20Jayaweera%20Abstract.pdf
Presentation link: https://www.ipcrg.org/11631 - GU Jayaweera, SW Wimalasekera, CSE Goonawardena. Respiratory function of biomass fuel smoke exposed women.", International
Conference on Multidisciplinary approaches, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 26-27 November 2019
https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3498108 - GU Jayaweera, SW Wimalasekera, CSE Goonawardena. Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) and associated factors of women exposed to biomass fuel smoke: Findings from Sri Lanka", 24th Congress of Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, Hanoi, Vietnam.
14-17 November 2019.
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/resp.13699_51 - GU Jayaweera, SW Wimalasekera, CSE Goonawardena. “Prevalence of respiratory symptoms and illnesses of womenexposed to biomass fuel smoke in a Colombo district, Sri Lanka”, International Conference on Health Sciences 2019, Colombo,
Sri Lanka. 17-18 October 2019.
http://medical.sjp.ac.lk/healthconference2019/downloads/abstract-book.pdf - GU Jayaweera, SW Wimalasekera, CSE Goonawardena. “Effects of kitchen and stove characteristics on respiratory function of women exposed to biomass fuel smoke in a suburban community in Sri Lanka”, International Conference on Health Sciences 2018, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 7-8 October 2018.
- GU Jayaweera, SW Wimalasekera, CSE Goonawardena."Peak expiratory flow rates and fractional exhaled nitric oxide levelsof women exposed to biomass fuel smoke in a suburban community in Sri Lanka", 131st Anniversary International Medical Congress,Colombo Sri Lanka. 26-29 July 2018
- GU Jayaweera, SW Wimalasekara, S Goonawardena. “Effect of Biomass Fuel Smoke to Respiratory Health among Women:A Preliminary Study in a Suburban Community in Sri Lanka”, 9th International Primary Care Respiratory Group World Conference,Porto, Portugal. 31 May-2 June 2018
- GU Jayaweera, S Goonawardena, SW Wimalasekera. “Trends in Respiratory Diseases in Sri Lanka: A Review”,1st International Primary Care Respiratory Group South Asian Scientific Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 3-5 August 2017
https://www.theipcrg.org/display/DoResearch/Abstracts+from+the+1st+International+Primary+Care+Respiratory+Group+%28IPCRG%29+South+Asia+Scientific+Conference preview=/38535374/38764651/Research%20Ideas%20Abstracts.pdf
- GU Jayaweera, PTR Makuloluwa, TRK Perera, KRJK Amararathene, GAS Premakumara and WD Ratnasooriya."Oral Diuretic Activity of Water Extract of H-grade Quills of Cinnamomum ceylanicum Blume in Rats", 9th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawela Defence University, Sri Lanka. 8-9 September 2016
- TN Haththotuwa, DDN de Silva, GU Jayaweera. “Dog and Cat Bites in Galle District reported to Karapitiya Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka during the period of 2006-2010 is a matter of health and economic concern”, 8th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka. 27-28 August 2015
- AMSM Wickramarathne, WRB Kumara, HMHS Ariyarathna, KAN Wijayawardhane, GU Jayaweera. “Gallbladder Mucocele in Dogs: TwoCase reports”, Proceedings Peradeniya University International Research Sessions (iPURSE 2014) ,Vol. 18, July 4 & 5, 2014, University
of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, pp. 347
- Gihani U. Jayaweera, Savithri W. Wimalasekera, Sampatha E. Goonewardena. “Respiratory symptoms and associated factors among women exposed to biomass fuel smoke in Sri Lanka: cross sectional study”. International Journal of Community
- Awards
- 2021: 1st Place at the Oral Presentation Session of Respire 12 - 12th Annual Academic Sessions and Hybrid Conference of Sri Lankan College of Pulmonologists
- 2019: APSR (Asian Pacific Society of Respirology) Environmental & Occupational Health and Epidemiology Assembly Education Award at 24th Congress of APSR 2019.
- 2018: Travel grant from European Respiratory Society (ERS) to attend research seminar, Berlin, Germany
- 2018: Travel grant from International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) to attend 9th IPCRG world conference, Porto, Portugal.
- 2017: University research grant, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (ASP/01/RE/MED/2017/35)
- 2016: Best Paper at the Basic and Applied Sciences Session of 9th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawela Defence University, Sri Lanka. 8-9 September 2016
- Working Experience
Working Experience
- Senior Lecturer Grade II, Department of Basic Science, Faculty of Allied Health Science, KDU - November 2020 - up to date
- Lecturer (Probationary), Department of Basic Science, Faculty of Allied Health Science, KDU - December 2013 - November 2020
Administrative/ Other
- Session Coordinator for Basic and Applied Sciences Session for 16th International Research Conference, KDU
- Founder of the Zumba Fitness Programme - KDU
- Module Coordinator - Pathology; March 2022 - up to date
- Conference Co-Secretary - 15th International Research Conference, KDU
- Undergraduate Thesis Examiner, Department of Allied Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo - 2022
- Senior Lecturer Grade II, Department of Basic Science, Faculty of Allied Health Science, KDU - November 2020 - to up to date
- Lecturer (Probationary), Department of Basic Science, Faculty of Allied Health Science, KDU - December 2013 - November 2020
- Convener - Internal Research Screening and Monitoring Committee, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences - 2020
- Examiner in physiology, School of physiotherapy and occupational therapy - 2019
- Convener - Coordinator's Committee for CMCC Registration, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences - 2018
- Module Coordinator - Pathology; March, 2014 - March 2017
- Course Co-coordinator - Diploma in Operation Theatre Technology Programme II
- Co-Secretary, 9th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawela Defence University
- Convener - Dietary Services Management Committee, University Hospital, KDU
- Plenary and Technical Session Coordinator, 8th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawela Defence University
- Acting Module Coordinator - Human Physiology, Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,
General Sir John Kotelawela Defence University - Lecturer (Temporary), Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences,
University of Peradeniya (May 2013 - December 2013)
- Memberships
- Executive committee member, Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science - 2023
- Member, Environmental Committee, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science - 2023
- Honorary Secretary, Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science - 2022
- Member, Environmental Committee, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science - 2022
- Editor/ Executive committee member, Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science - 2021
- Executive committee member, Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing in Sri Lanka - 2021
- Editor/ Executive committee member, Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science - 2020
- Secretary, Committee for Popularization of Sciences, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science -2019
- Executive committee member, Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science - 2019
- Life member of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (Reg No: 10282/A)
- Committee member of Committee for Popularization of Sciences, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 2016-2020
- Registered Veterinary Surgeon of Sri Lanka Veterinary Council (Reg No: SLVC 1816)
- Life member of Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science
- Overseas Member, Association for Respiratory Technology and Physiology, Membership No: 3107 (Since April, 2019)
- Member, Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, Membership No: 2781 (Since May 2019)
- Member, European Respiratory Society, Membership No: 414843 (Since July 2018)
- Education Contribution
Education Contribution
Contribution to undergraduate / postgraduate education
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, KDU
- Human Physiology I
- Human Physiology II
- General Pathology
- Systemic Pathology
- Diploma in Nursing Programme
- Diploma in Operation Theatre Technology Programme - 2014 - 2016
- Certificate Course in Sports Sciences and Exercise - 2014
Visiting Lecturer
- Anatomy and Physiology I and II - Diploma in Biomedical Science, Management and Science Institute - 2023
- Applied Physiology - BSc Biomedical Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Sri Lanka - 2022
- Pathophysiology, BSc Biomedical Science, British College of Applied Studies - 2022
- Anatomy and Physiology - Diploma in Biomedical Science, MSI - 2022
- Anatomy and Physiology - BSc Biomedical Science/ BSc Industrial Pharmaceutical, BSc Cosmetic Science, CINEC Campus - 2022
- Workshops
Workshops and Seminars - Resource person
- Moderator of the Precongress workshop of 14th International Research Conference of KDU on “Animal research beyond publications” held on 7th September 2021
- Resource person for all-island school science day programmes organized by Committee for Popularization of Sciences, Sri Lanka
Association for the Advancement of Science for schools in less privileged areas since 2017 - Resource person for Certificate course in laboratory animal science organized by Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science
Workshops and Seminars - Participation
- Moderator of the Panel Discussion on Plastic Pollution and Way Forward to Beat Pollution on 5th June 2023
- Moderator for the Launch of Chemical Watch Magazine on 10th April 2023
- Moderator of the Webinar on Air Pollution on 28th February 2023
- Attended Webinar on Laboratory animal care and usage during the COVID -19 pandemic: Achieving resilience through risk management on 13th June 2020
- Attended Webinar on Strategies and Tips for Virtual Learning Environment during Lockdown on 10th June 2020.
- Attended Webinar on Basics of Real-Time PCR (qPCR) on 4th June 2020
- Attended Pre-congress workshop on pulmonary function testing: from theory to clinical practice 14th November 2019 at 24th APSR congress, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Attended Short course in Science Communication on 21st, 28th March and 4th April 2019 organized by SLINTEC and Ministry of Science, Technology and Research.
- Attended the workshop on “Techniques in Physiological Sciences for SAARC Nations” from 5-7th December 2018 organized by the department of Physiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
- Participated in the Research Seminar on “Air Pollution and Respiratory Health” conducted by European Respiratory Society on 19-20th November 2018, Berlin, Germany
- Participated in the Precongress workshop on “Taking research and innovations to the market place” on 12th September 2018 at the General Sir John Kothalawala Defence University
- Participated in regional seminar of the College of Medical Educationist on 4th September 2018 at Staff Development Center,General Sir John Kothalawala Defence University
- Participated in Intensive Course on Quantitative/ Qualitative Data Analysis from 2nd - 6th July 2018 at the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura
- Participated in a workshop on Qualitative Research and Assessment of Respiratory Functions organized by The Primary Care Respiratory Group of Sri Lanka on 11th October 2017 at University of Sri Jayewardenepura
- Preconference Research Writing School with Springer Nature Publishing, Galadari Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka on 3rd August 2017
- National Workshop on Separation Techniques in Natural Product Research conducted by National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy from 19th -23rd September 2016
- Certificate Course in Laboratory Animal Science conducted by Medical Research Institute, Colombo and University of Sri Jayewardenepura from 27th June -1st July 2016
- Training Programme on Computer Based Data Analysis conducted by Department of Decision Sciences, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka from 22 November 2015 - 30 January 2016
- Participated in Certificate Course on Introduction to Gene Expression Studies at Agricultural Biotechnology Centre,Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya held on 11th & 12th July 2012.
Ongoing Research
Collaboration with Faulty of Medical Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura
- Indoor air pollution due to cooking fuel smoke and women's perspectives; A cross-sectional study in selected Medical Officers of Health Areas, Colombo District, Sri Lanka
Undergraduate Research Supervision
- Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, KDU
Developing an Antifungal Solution for Canine Dermatophytosis using Sulfur and Assessing its Antifungal Activity against Microsporum canis in-vitro - Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Allied Health Science, KDU
Assessment of learner satisfaction of BSc. Physiotherapy undergraduates of a selected university in Colombo, Sri Lanka regarding onsite and online learning experience during the Covid-19 pandemic - Department of Allied Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo
A cross-sectional study to determine the association between the sleep quality, physical activity and physical fitness of undergraduates of University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. - British College of Applied Studies Campus A cross-sectional study to determine the association between the sleep quality and meal patterns of undergraduates of a selected educational institute in Sri Lanka
- Editorial Work
Editorial Work
- Editor of the proceedings of the 9th International Conference and Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences 2021/22
- Editor of Newsletter of Sri Lanka Association of Laboratory Animal Science 2021: 8 (2)
- Editor of Newsletter of Sri Lanka Association of Laboratory Animal Science 2021: 8 (1)
- Editor of the proceedings of the 8th International Conference and Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences 2020/21
- Editor of Newsletter of Sri Lanka Association of Laboratory Animal Science 2020: 7(2)
- Editor of Newsletter of Sri Lanka Association of Laboratory Animal Science 2020: 7(1)
- Editor of Abstract Book of 12th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka
- Editor of Abstract Book of 9th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawela Defence University, Sri Lanka