- BSc (Hons) in Radiography, University of Peradeniya.
- Postgraduate Diploma in Research Methodology and Allied Aspects, KDU.
- Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education (CTHE), KDU.
- PhD in Imaging Medicine, Tianjin Medical University, China.

Dr. Wasana Madushanka Ediri Arachchi
PhD in Imaging Medicine (China), Pg. Dip in Research Methodology (KDU), BSc (Hons) in Radiography (Peradeniya)
Senior Lecturer Gr II
- Qualifications
- Teaching Areas
Teaching Areas
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Research Interests
Research Interests
- Neuroimaging in Psychiatry
- Multimodal MRI
- Computer Aided Diagnosis
- Research & Publications
Research & Publications
Journal articles (Indexed)
- Structural brain network topology in migraine vs. healthy subjects: A graph theory study. ADI Amarasinghe, DIH Wijewickrama, IS De Fonseka, MAD Lawanya, WNS Fernando, DAD Wishwanthi, G Senanayake, S Pushpakumara, WM Ediri Arachchi, Journal of National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 2024.
- A Systematic Characterization of Brain Structural Changes in Schizophrenia. Wasana Ediri Arachchi, Yanmin Peng, Xi Zhang, Wen Qin, Zhuo Chuanjun, Chunshui Yu, Liang Meng, Neuroscience Bulletin, 2020.
- Classification of patients with migraine and healthy subjects using gross brain volume changes. Irushi De Fonseka, Dewmi Lawanya, Dhilki Amarasinghe, Irusha Wijewickrama, Dineesha Wishwanthi, Nikesha Fernando, Gayani Senanayake, Saman Pushpakumara, Wasana Ediri Arachchi*, Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience, 2024.
Journal articles (other)
- Characterization of morphological brain changes in generalized epilepsy using region-based morphometry. Wimalasiri DMDT, Rajapaksha SRAL, Zhang X, Sampath WKC, Ediri Arachchi WM, KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences, 2024
- A Systematic Characterization of Structural Brain Changes in Epilepsy Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Daswatte MRAU, Grero PR, David AA, Jayarathne REP, Pallewatte AS, Ediri Arachchi WM, KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences, 2023.
- Quality of working length radiographs taken and used by dental students during endodontic treatment. Jayasinghe R. D., Weerakoon B. S., Perera R., Wasana Ediri Arachchi, Fonseka M. C. N. and Wettasinghe K. A. International Journal of Modern and Alternative Medicine Research, 2013.
- Classification of Schizophrenia using Multimodal MRI and Machine Learning. Wasana Ediri Arachchi, Yanmin Peng, Minghui Hua, Liang Meng. 26th Annual meeting of Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Canada, 2020.
- An Investigation of Schizophrenia Diagnosis based on Multimodal MRI and Machine Learning. Yanmin Peng, Wasana Ediri Arachchi, Xi Zhang, Liang Meng. 9th Annual digital medicine academic meeting of Chinese Medical Association, China, 2019.
- Brain Structural Changes in Patients with Schizophrenia Based on a Variety of Imaging Methods. Wasana Ediri Arachchi, Yanmin Peng, Xi Zhang, Meng Liang. 9th Annual digital medicine academic meeting of Chinese Medical Association, China, 2019.
- Classification of Schizophrenic Patients and Healthy Subjects Using Structural MRI, Wasana Ediri Arachchi, Yanmin Peng, Xi Zhang, Meng Liang. 24th Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Annual meeting, Singapore, 2018.
- Gender Estimation by Means of Quantitative Measurements of Foramen Magnum: An analysis of CT Head Images. T Hathurusinghe, SABU Siriwardena, Wasana Ediri Arachchi, R Tudugala, I Herath, G Senanayake. International Conference on Radiology, Thailand, 2018.
- Age and Gender Related Variations in the Dimensions of Selected Anatomical Structures. WIS Wickramasinghe, IS Nanayakkara, KGDM Ketagoda, IG Uduwakanda, AS Pallewatte, Wasana Ediri Arachchi. Asia Australasia Conference of Radiological Technologists, AACRT, 2017.
- Random Variation of Treated Volumes in Fractionated 2D Image Based HDR Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer. R. Tudugala, B. M. A. I. Balasooriya, Wasana Ediri Arachchi, R. W. M. W. K. Rathnayake, T. D. Premaratna. 18th International Conference on Radiation Medicine, Singapore, 2016.
- Evaluation of Rejected Intra-oral Periapical (IOPA) Radiographs Taken by Radiographers, Student Radiographers and Dental Students of Dental Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Wasana Ediri Arachchi, R Tudugala, RD Jayasinghe, 20th Asia-Australasia Conference of Radiological Technologists, Singapore, 2015.
- Knowledge of Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Mammography; A Study among Radiographers of Mammography Settings in Sri Lanka. P. B. Hewavithana H. S. Niroshani, Wasana Ediri Arachchi, R. Tudugala, U. J. M. A. L. Jayasinghe, U. M. U. J. Jayasekara. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Thailand, 2015.
- Quality of Working Length Radiographs Taken and Used by Final Year Undergraduate Dental Students during Endodontic Treatment. Jayasinghe R. D., Weerakoon B. S., Perera R., Wasana Ediri Arachchi, Fonseka M. C. N. and Wettasinghe K. A” FDI Annual World Dental Congress, Hong Kong, 2012.
- Characterization and Classification of Structural Brain Changes in Generalized Epilepsy using Region based Morphometry. DMDT Wimalasiri, SRAL Rajapaksha, WKC Sampath, WM Ediri Arachchi. 17th International Research Conference-KDU, 2024.
- Characterizing the Brain Network Topology in Patients with Migraineusing Wavelet-based Morphometry. GDCJ Prabhashana, RLT Sirimanne, WKC Sampath, PPCR Karunasekara, WM Ediri Arachchi. 17th International Research Conference-KDU, 2024.
- Detection of Gross Brain Volume Changes in Patients with Migraine Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. IS de Fonseka, MAD Lawanya, G Senanayake, KSR Pushpakumara, WM Ediri Arachchi. 16th International Research Conference-KDU, 2023.
- A Comparison of Gray Matter Structural Networks of Patients with Migraine and Healthy Subjects: A Graph Theory-Based Study. ADI Amarasinghe, DIH Wijewickrama, G Senanayake, KSR Pushpakumara, and WM Ediri Arachchi. 16th International Research Conference-KDU, 2023.
- Brain Structural Covariance Networks of Patients with Migraine: A Source-based Morphometry Study. DAD Wishwanthi, WNS Fernando, G Senanayake, KSR Pushpakumara, and WM Ediri Arachchi. 16th International Research Conference-KDU, 2023.
- Characterization of Grey matter and white matter abnormalities in epilepsy using voxel-based morphometry and tensor-based morphometry. MRAU Daswatte, PR Grero, REP Jayarathne, AA David, AS Pallewatte, G Senanayake, Wasana Ediri Arachchi. 15th International Research Conference-KDU, 2022.
- Classification of Patients with Mild Depression and Healthy Controls Using Nodal Brain Network Topology. WADH Piyumali, GDYB Jayasinghe, Wasana Ediri Arachchi. 14th International Research Conference-KDU, 2021.
- Classification of Patients with Epilepsy and Healthy Subjects using Structural MRI; A Tensor-based morphometry study. WADH Piyumali, GDYB Jayasinghe, S Egodage, Wasana Ediri Arachchi. 14th International Research Conference-KDU, 2021.
- Characterization of Functional Brain Network Topology in Schizophrenia using Pearson's Correlation and Partial Correlation. Wasana Ediri Arachchi, Chunshui Yu, Liang Meng. Proceedings of 13th International Research Conference-KDU, 2020.
- Evaluation of intra oral periapical radiographs used by final year dental students in endodontic practice. Jayasinghe R. D., Weerakoon B. S., Perera R., Wasana Ediri Arachchi, Fonseka M. C. N. and Wettasinghe K. A, 79th scientific sessions, Sri Lanka Dental Association, 2012.
Extended abstracts in Proceedings
- Reject Analysis of Intra-oral Periapical (IOPA) Radiographs of Department of Radiology, Dental Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya. Wasana Ediri Arachchi, R Tudugala, RD Jayasinghe. Proceedings of 08th International Research Conference-KDU, 2015.
International newsletters//Magazines
- Development of Radiography in Sri Lanka. Wasana Ediri Arachchi, Ferris CM, Hewavithana PB International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists -ISRRT, UK, 2012.
Local bulletins/Magazines
- What is functional MRI. Wasana Ediri Arachchi. The Radiographer, The official publication of the society of Radiological Technologists, Sri Lanka, 2016.
- History of Radiography Education in Sri Lanka, Wasana Ediri Arachchi, Ferris CM, Hewavithana PB” Sri Lanka Bulletin of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, Sri Lanka, 2012.
- Working Experience
Working Experience
- 2011-2013 – Temporary Lecturer
Department of Radiography/Radiotherapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, UOP. - 2013-2020 – Lecturer (Probationary)
Department of Radiography/Radiotherapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, KDU. - 2020 to date – Senior Lecturer II
Department of Radiography/Radiotherapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, KDU.
- 2011-2013 – Temporary Lecturer
- Awards
- Best oral presentation – Radiography and Radiotherapy Sessions – Undergraduate Research Symposium, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, KDU, 2024.
- Merit travel award – 26th Annual meeting, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2020.
- Tianjin municipal council scholarship for academic excellence, 2018-2020.
- Chinese government scholarship (CSC), 2015-2018.
- Best poster award- International Research Conference, KDU, 2015.
- Memberships
- Member – Subject expert panel for Radiography, Ceylon Medical College Council, Sri Lanka.
- Student member – Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), USA.
- Member – International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists, UK (ISRRT).
- Council Member – Society of Radiological Technologists in Sri Lanka (SRTSL).
- Corresponding member- European Society of Radiology (ESR).
- Member in training – American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR).
- Member – International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
- Education Contribution
Education Contribution
Academic contribution
- Conducting lectures to undergraduate students of Bachelor programs in Radiography & Radiotherapy
- Supervising undergraduate research projects
- Supervising postgraduate research projects (MSc, MPhil and PhD)
- Reviewing postgraduate research projects
Resource Person
- Guest speech on ‘Radiographers Role in Promoting Profession’, The Society of Medical Radiation Sciences, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya, 2024
- Conference speech on How to Analyze T1W Images in Imaging Research, Fall Conference, Utah Society of Radiological technologists, USA – 2022.
- Webinar on How to Become a Researching Radiographer, Department of Radiography and Radiotherapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya. – 2022.
- Webinar on Introducing MRI based neuroimaging research methods, Peradeniya Radiography and Radiotherapy Alumni Association – 2021.
Manuscripts Reviewing in Journals
- Health Science Reports (Wiley)
- Sri Lanka Journal of Radiology (SLJOL)